At long last, I am coming to the end of official dog breeds (I finished up cats a number of months back)... And with the Australian Cattle Dog, we have reached the Herding Group. These pups were bred for cattle herding. Their coat is smooth, hard and fairly short. They come in blue or blue mottled with or without other markings; red speckled — puppies are born white and get their colours within a few weeks. * ACDs are intelligent and hardy, independent and sometimes stubborn, often tenacious and never tire. Therefore they need a lot of physical activity, as well as mental stimulation, or they become difficult (and may nip at the heels of children they wish to herd). They need a good long jog/work out every day and the coat needs brushing weekly. * Health concerns include hip dysplasia, PRA, deafness, and elbow dysplasia. Australian Shepherds actually originate in the US and were bred for sheep herding. Their coats are medium length and straight to wavy. They come in blue merle, black, red merle, or red, all with or without white markings and/or tan points. * These are bold, alert dogs that are confident and responsive. Without adequate mental and physical enrichment, they become unruly. They may try to herd children and small animals. Aussies need a strenuous workout every day (with both physical and mental challenges). Their coat needs brushing or combing twice weekly. * Potential health concerns include cataracts, Collie eye anomaly, hip dysplasia, Pelger-Huet syndrome (oddly shaped white blood cells, the mutation of which can sometimes lead to skeletal issues), ivermectin sensitivity (toxins passing directly into the brain), and nasal solar dermatitis. Bearded Collies originate in Scotland as sheep herding dogs. Their coat is flat, harsh and long and comes in any shade of gray or chocolate (white may appear as a blaze or on tail tip, feet and chest — tan points may also occur). * Beardies are exuberant and playful. They are biddable, but also think independently and tend to have a clownish sense of humour. This leads to herding children at playtime! They need a good jog or very long walk every day and their coat needs brushing or combing every other day. * Health concerns include hip dysplasia, epilepsy, colonic disease and pemphigus (a blistering autoimmune disease). Beaucerons originate in France and function as both herders and guardian dogs. Their coat is coarse, flat, and medium in length coming in black and tan or black, gray, and tan (merle with tan points). * These dogs originated in the plains area surrounding Paris, known as La Beauce. Beaucernons are are uncannily smart, courteous and calm, therefore making thoughtful and reliable companions. They need a long walk and good physical and mental workouts daily. Coat care is minimal. * Health concerns include hip dysplasia and gastric torsion. Belgian Malinois are stock herders with straight, fairly short coats coming in rich fawn to mahogany, with black-tipped hairs; black mask and ears. * Belgian Malinois are intense and full of energy. They are alert, serious, ideal watchdogs. Some can be domineering. They need a good jog or vigorous play daily, as well as mental challenges. They love to herd. The coat needs weekly brushing (more when shedding). * Health concerns include hip and elbow dysplasia Belgian Sheepdogs are stock herders, just like the Belgian Malinois. Their coat is straight and fairly long, coming only in black. * They are playful and protective, aloof with strangers, and can be aggressive with other dogs. They are biddable, but very independent. They need a lot of strenuous exercise daily and profit from mental challenges as well. The double coat needs brushing and combing twice weekly, and more when shedding. * Health concerns include seizures and allergies. Belgian Tervuren are, again, stock herders like the other Chiens de Berger Belge I have mentioned. Their coat is straight, fairly long, and comes in rich fawn to russet mahogany with black overlay (darkening as they mature); black mask and ears. * Tervurens are alert and energetic, enjoy playing and herding, but may nip at heels. They are aloof with strangers and can be aggressive with other dogs. They need strenuous activity daily (long walk or jog or invigorating play or work session). The double coat needs brushing and combing twice weekly, more when shedding. * Health concerns include seizures, hip and elbow dysplasia, and PRA. Border Collies come from Great Britain and are intended for herding sheep. Their coat is: in rough coats, flat to slightly wavy and medium length; in smooth coats, short. They come in solid, bicolour, tricolour, merle, and sable, of various colours (solid white not allowed). * They are a bundle of mental and physical energy waiting for the chance to be unleashed! They are biddable and smart, yet still not a good choice as a housed if not given challenging jobs every day. They can be reserved and even protective around strangers. They do best when they work every day, needing lots of physical activity as well as mental activity. The coat needs brushing or combing twice a week. * Health concerns include: hip dysplasia, PRA, lens luxation, Collie eye anomaly, seizures and heart defects. Bouvier des Flandres originates in Belgium and was bred for cattle herding. Their coat is harsh, tousled, and medium to long in length. They come in fawn to black, including salt and pepper, gravy, and brindle. * Bouviers are devoted, fearless and protective. Though independent, they are biddable and willing to please. They are reserved and even protective around strangers and can be aggressive with strange dogs. They need a good jog or vigorous play daily, and the harsh coat needs combing twice weekly, plus scissoring and shaping every three months. * Health concerns include hip and elbow dysplasia, heart defects, and glaucoma. Briards originate in France as herding and guarding dogs (of sheep). Their coat is coarse, slightly wavy and long, coming in all uniform colours except white (includes black, tawny and gray shades). * Briads are self-assured but willing to please. They are devoted and faithful, as well as protective companions. They can be aggressive with other dogs. They need a long walk or jog every day, and the long coat needs brushing or combing every other day. * Health concerns include hip dysplasia and gastric torsion. Canaan Dogs originate in Israel and were sentries, messengers and assistance dogs. Their coat is straight, harsh, flat and short coming in predominantly white with mask with or without additional colour patches, or solid colour with or without white trim. The mask should be symmetrical and completely covers both eyes and ears. * Canaan Dogs are devoted and tractable. They excel as herders and almost any task requiring dependability and obedience. They are aloof towards strangers and protective of family—they may be aggressive toward strange dogs. As natural guardian dogs, they tend to bark. Their heritage is likely the purest working heritage of all dogs, and therefore they are not happy to sit around doing nothing. They need lots of exercise and mental challenges, i.e. herding exercise, strenuous game sessions, challenging training sessions, long jogs, etc. They can live outdoors in warm and cool climates, but also excel as house dogs. They need a brush once a week to remove dead hairs. * No health concerns of note. Collies were originally intended to herd sheep and originate in Scotland. Their coat is: rough: straight, harsh, long; smooth: hard, short. They come in sable and white, tricolour, blue merle, white (predominantly white, preferably with markings). * Collies are sensitive, gentle, willing to please and mild-mannered. They can be stubborn and nip at heels in play. They also bark a lot. Collies need a good walk or jog or play session daily. The smooth coat needs weekly brushing, the rough coat needs brushing every other day (more when shedding). * Health concerns include Collie eye anomaly, PRA, gastric torsion, dermatomyositis, and ivermectin sensitivity. German Shepherd Dogs were and are sheep herders, guardians and police dogs. Thei4 coat is straight, harsh, fairly short and comes in most colours, other than white. * They are the result of a conscious effort to produce the ideal shepherd, capable of herding and guarding their flocks. GSDs are devoted, dependable and biddable, but aloof and suspicious toward strangers. They can be domineering, as well as aggressive toward other dogs. They need a long walk or jog daily, along with mental stimulation. The coat needs brushing 1-2 times a week. * Health concerns include hip and elbow dysplasia, panosteitis (inflammation of outer surface of long bones), vWD, degenerative myelopathy, skin problems, dermatitis, hemangiosarcoma, pannus (abnormal layer of fibrovascular tissue or granulation tissue), cataracts, gastric torsion and perianal fistulas (tunnel-like formations in the skin and deeper tissues around the anal area). Old English Sheepdogs' origins and purpose are self-explanatory. Their coat is shaggy, neither straight nor curly, and long. They come in any shade of gray, grizzle, blue, blue merle with or without white markings. * These are easygoing, peaceful pups. They have a comic streak, but can also be stubborn. They often tend children as if they are flock members. They require a moderate walk or vigorous romp daily, and the coat needs brushing or combing every one to two days (the coat also tends to track in debris). * Health concerns include hip dysplasia, gastric torsion, ear infections, retinal detachment, cataracts, PRA and cerebellar ataxia (cerebellar inflammation). Polish Lowland Sheepdog is another dog whose origins and purpose are self-explanatory. Their coat is fairly straight and long, coming in all colours. * PONs are lively and loyal, affectionate with family but wary of strangers. They bark a lot and can also have a willful side. They need a good workout every day, and the coat needs considerable care (brushing every couple of days). * No health concerns of note. The Puli originates in Hungary and were sheep herders. Their coat is wavy or curly, clumping to form long cords. They come in solid black, rusty black, gray, and white. * Pulik are busy and courious, but also headstrong. They are watchful and protective of family, bark a lot, and can be aggressive toward other dogs. They need a good walk or lively game daily. The non shedding coat can be brushed or corded—if brushed, it needs brushing every 1-2 days. If corded, the cords must be separated regularly and bathing and drying are time consuming. * Health concerns are mainly just hip dysplasia. Shetland Sheepdogs originate in Scotland and have harsh, straight and long coats. They come in black, blue merle, and sable, marked with varying amounts of white and/or tan. * Shelties are obedient, quick learners, and sensitive. They are gentle and playful, very comparable with families, but also reserved and often timid with strangers. They also bark a lot. They need a good walk or short jog, active game or training session every day. Their thick coats need brushing or combing every other day. * Health concerns include Dermatomyositis, Collie eye anomaly, PRA, cataracts, hip dysplasia, Legg-Perthes, patellar luxation and ivermectin sensitivity. Welsh Corgis (Cardigan and Pembroke) were bred as cattle drovers, with straight, slightly harsh and fairly short coats. The Cardigan comes in all shades of red, sable and brindle; also blue merle or black, both with or without tan or brindle points; white flashings common. * The Pembroke comes in red, sable, fawn, black and tan, all with or without white flashings. * Both are inclined to bark, both high-spirited, and both make devoted, amusing companions. Cardigans can be scrappy with other dogs. Pembrokes may nip at heels in play. Both can use a moderate walk or a good play or training session daily. Both coats need brushing once a week. * Health concerns for both: hip dysplasia and degenerative myelopathy. Pembrokes may also be susceptible to intervertebral disc disease and epilepsy. There are "Miscellaneous Class" dogs, too. We begin with the Dogue de Bordeaux, a guardian, hunter and fighter. Their coat is fine and short and comes in all shades of fawn, with or without a dark mask. Males are at least 110 lb and females at least 99 lb! * Its ancestry is uncertain, but Dogues are devoted, playful and affectionate. They can be stubborn, but are even tempered. Without early training, they are less likely to be good with other dogs. They are courageous guardians. They require weekly brushing plus bathing every two to three weeks. Wrinkles should be cleaned regularly and eyes wiped several times a day. They require minimal exercise and do not tolerate heat well. * Health concerns include gastric torsion, heart disease, lymphoma, kidney disease, hip dysplasia, elbow hygroma, arthritis, epilepsy, entropion, and osteosarcoma. Irish Red and White Setters functioned as bird setting and retrieving dogs. Their coat is medium length and straight, coming in white with solid red patches. Flecking is permitted around the face and on lower legs. * Setters almost certainly are derived from Spaniels, but only since the 16th century did the term "setting dogs" come into use. They are high spirited and friendly, very active (sometimes even boisterous), and get along well with other dogs and animals. These hunting dogs require a jog or tiring run every day. The coat needs brushing once weekly. * The main health concern is cataracts. Norwegian Buhund originally functioned as a protection dog and for cattle and sheep herding, as well as hunting large animals. Their coat is medium in length, with the outer coat thick and hard, undercoat soft. They come in black or wheaten (light cream to bright orange), the latter with or without black tips or mask. As little white as possible. * Buhunds are active and affectionate. As members of the Spitz family, they are independent, but are the most trainable of the Spitzes. They are good watch dogs and may bark. They need a long walk or good long play every day (or both!). Their coat requires brushing once a week, more when shedding (which happens twice a year). * The main health concern is cataracts. Pyrenean Shepherds originate in France as herding dogs. Their coat—rough: long or demi-long, harsh with slight wave; smooth: medium short, fine and soft. They come in fawn to gray; brindle, merle, black, black with white markings (not exceeding 30% of the body). * Pyrenean Shepherds are energetic and alert dogs that are obedient and devoted, but aloof with strangers, yet good with other dogs and pets. They need a long walk or vigorous play session daily, both if possible. They rough face's coat needs brushing once a week and the smooth face's coat even less. * No health concerns of note Redbone Coonhounds originate in the US as racoon hunters. Their coat is smooth and short, coming in solid red (preferred); dark muzzle and a small amount of white on brisket and feet is permissible. * Redbones derive from foxhound ancestors. They are generally easygoing dogs that are eager to please, but can become bored with formal training. They get along well with people, children and dogs. They tend to follow a scent and have a loud voice when excited. They need a long walk or vigorous work out every day, plus weekly brushing. * No health concerns of note. Swedish Vallhunds were bred to herd cattle, for vermin control and as a watchdog. Their coat is harsh and medium length coming in sable (in colours grey through red). Lighter harness markings are essential and a well defined mask with lighter hair around the eyes, on the muzzle and under the throat is highly desirable. White markings, if any, would not cover more than one third of the body.
* Vallhunds are active, courageous and eager to please. They are devoted to family and friendly with strangers. They need a moderate walk or play session daily, and their coat requires brushing once a week. * No health concerns of note.
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AuthorRegan is a certified Canine Massage Therapist (CCMT), has certification in First Aid and CPR for Pets, and some beginner training in Herbal Remedies and Aromatherapy for personal use. Archives
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