Probably one of the earliest forms of point therapy. According to Chinese medicine, energy imbalances cause illness - correcting those imbalances cures the illness. Finger pressure is applied to the body surface in a general pattern at designated points. The aim is to relieve muscle spasm and pain at the acupressure point while stimulating deeper healing along what is called an energy meridian, including improving organ function and structural health. This treatment is often included with general Swedish massage as needed.
Hydrotherapy is the scientific application of water in the treatment of disease. Fleece cloth is soaked in either hot water or cold water with Epsom or sea salt and is wrapped around the dog. Cold Epsom salt wraps or baths, Hot Epsom salt wraps or baths, and Contrast wraps or baths (30 seconds with a cold wrap, 30 seconds with a hot wrap, repeated three times each) are generally used. The wraps reduce the pain of inflammation, the pain associated with tissue spasming, relax or stimulate, or cause the flushing of toxins, depending on what method is used.
Reflexology is the study of feet corresponding to every part of the body. Pressure is applied to energy points on the carpals and paws unblocking congestion in the corresponding region of the body. This helps the body achieve equilibrium. Circulation improves, elimination improves, and tension is reduced as the body rebalances. It effects the endorphin secretions of the body to relieve pain and relaxes the entire body, improving the function of all systems. This therapy can be added to a Swedish massage on a case by case basis.
Colour Therapy
Colour has been used in healing since the time of Atlantis where colour was used with sound and crystals for healing. Ancient cultures around the world believe that light or colour is the source of life. Prolonged exposure to a single colour can cause reproductive problems, fur loss, toxic symptoms, digestive disorders, sterility, abnormal bone development, abnormal body weight, or cataracts. Short term exposure can have the opposite, beneficial effect. A dog's massage bed is covered in a cloth in a colour that will be beneficial to him (red, for example, stimulates the nervous system, among other things, and blue cools, relieves irritation, and is mildly sedative, among other things). Colour therapy can be used for 7 to 10 days before reassessing the dog's condition and changing the colour if needed. I will often incorporate colour therapy after the first few massages sessions.