Need to improve your dog's uniquely individual, overall fitness? We can discuss ways to improve and maintain your dog's fitness levels and design an exercise program uniquely tailored to your dog's needs as part of your dog's treatment plan and home care package.
The All-Fit Dog program I took through E-Training for Dogs/DogWorks Canine Fitness is a broad, general, and inclusive total fitness approach designed to improve all aspects of a dog's health. The techniques focus on functional movement, as this is mechanically sound and safe for the dog. Eight elements of health are the focus: strength, endurance, stamina, flexibility, and agility/coordination/accuracy/(internal) balance. The dog's structure is evaluated for soundness (or lack thereof), including their front and hind assemblies, core strength, and proprioception (body awareness). The dog's gait is also evaluated for quality of movement. Exercise recommendations are made and focus on cardiovascular/endurance, strength, flexibility, body awareness, and tricks (for the nervous system). The needs of puppies and seniors are very specific and are also taken into account.
Limited and on-going recommendations and plans can be discussed during massage therapy consultations, where the extent of my personal participation can be negotiated (add-on fees may or may not apply and will be negotiated with you).